Who are we, anyways?

Moulin Vert Bakery was born as Haggis Farm Bakery on Saturna Island in 1986 as a small family bakery, providing wholesome breads and goodies for the island. Over the years, it steadily grew to serve neighbouring Gulf Island communities and the Greater Victoria area.

The bakery also became one of the few secure, year-round employers on the island, and for years employed would-be Moulin Vert owner, Stephane Theroux, as primary bread baker.

After 24 years, Jon and Priscilla, owners of Haggis Farm, were looking to retire from the baking gig (though they still collect the eggs from the Haggis Farm flock) and take more time to enjoy life. Stephane, along with a new young family, was similarly at a crossroads, looking ahead toward the next chapter in their lives. Haggis Farm — the farm — endures, hence the reincarnation of the bakery now known as Moulin Vert (not to be confused with that other Moulin, of burlesque renown).

We've recently moved into our new bakery facility in Central Saanich, just off Keating Cross Rd. This larger location will allow us to expand our product offerings and offer more delivery days to our retail customers (meaning more fresh products). As a bonus, there's enough open floor space for the baker to do a little dancing.

Contacting us:

Moulin Vert Bakery
6689A Mirah Rd
Saanichton, BC V8M 1Z4

tel (250) 590-3007
fax (250) 984-7515

Cinnamon Buns